Space interior design is a fundamental element of the internal design process. It starts with an in-depth analysis of how space is to be used. The designer then draws up a plan that defines the zones of the area and the activities that will take place in those zones. The space plan will also determine the circulation patterns that show how people will move through space. The project is finished by adding details of all the furniture, equipment and hardware placement.
13 Points to consider when deciding space interior design
- Think about the structure of the room; what are the main focal points? These could be windows, fireplaces, doors or built-in units. Are they balanced in the room? If not, think about what you can add to the space to help balance the area’s structure. Remember that the human eye is drawn to focal points and will scan a room when entering it.
- Perception of space is based on body size. Different size spaces suit other size people: one person’s claustrophobic box is another’s the cosy nest.
- Think about the space in terms of volume, e.g., if it were a fishbowl, if you add in a sofa, chandelier, sculptures, bookshelves, table, coffee table etc., you displace some of the water. Ensure that you don’t overfill the space.
- Aim to create both a prospect and a refuge in each room so you can feel enclosed and have a view beyond the outside of our natural world. Using Prospect and Refuge theory in a space can make it more comfortable for the human experience. “We prefer a shelter (refuge) with a view (prospect), because humans have their field of vision to the front (prospect), therefore needing some sort of protection from behind (refuge).”
- Plan your furniture with a scale drawing of your room or cut paper shapes to size and place them in the room to work out the best possible furniture and accessories arrangement.
- Ensure that the circulation passageway through a room follows an easy and economic pathway from the door to all the other main activity areas.
- Clutter closes down space, so edit your clutter to avoid blocking both circulations and reducing a room’s perceived size.
- In large or long spaces, subdivide different activity zones to define each part of the room.
- When planning decoration and lighting, please work with the principles that vertical lines draw our eyes up and horizontal lines draw them across to extend or reduce a room’s proportions.
- Wallpaper with a square grid or tiling a room in squares will give the impression that it is bigger than it is – the smaller the grid, the larger the room appears.
- Borrow space from outside by ensuring an uninterrupted view of the outside world. You can also ‘borrow’ space from adjoining rooms by using the same flooring materials.
- When furnishing small rooms, blur the edges of the room to break up the lines between floor and walls; draw furniture a little away from the walls; buy furniture in proportion to the room; choose furniture with legs to give the illusion of more space.
- Disguise oversized sofas by breaking up their upholstered surface with a different coloured or textured runner or folded throw.
keeping the above tips in mind while doing space interior design will give you a new look.
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